Finding a really quiet air conditioner

My mother is living with me after her health declined.  While just a few years ago she was a strong and independent woman fully capable of living on her own with no outside assistance, today she is relegated to a bed for most of her waking life.  She was cleaning her bathroom a few years back when she slipped and fell on the base of her spine. She injured her sacrum and damaged several spinal discs with the impact on her hard tile floor.  The rehabilitation to get her walking again was a slow and agonizing process for her. Although I am sad to see her in bed for most of the day, it’s an improvement from not being able to walk to the bathroom unassisted.  As she recovers, I have tried to make my home as accommodating as possible. The problem I’m facing right now is with my air conditioner. As it stands, the air handler is too loud. Because it is in a closet right outside her bedroom door, she is often woken up by hearing it cycle on and off through the day and night.  Unfortunately, she also needs the air conditioning to stay cold for comfort reasons, so I had a slight conundrum on my hands. I decided to start consulting with various heating and cooling suppliers in the area to see if I could find a machine with the lowest noise output while still remaining affordable. I couldn’t be happier with the machine that my technician helped me find.  It is extremely powerful in getting the house down to temperature in short increments of time, while still being the least noisiest air conditioner I have ever witnessed. Thankfully she is no longer being woken up by our air conditioner turning on and off.

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